Welcome to my website. I’m a revivalist- using my God given talents of painting and teaching to build and establish the Kingdom of God here on earth. Thank you for having a look, and I hope you are blessed!
Grinding Pigments
If you are just beginning, I suggest keeping your pigments simple. The most important ones are: white, black, yellow ochre, and red ochre. A dark blue like Milori, or thalo and an orange red like cadmium red light, and a dark red like alizarin crimson would be next on your list. After that, choose colors that you like or request a suggested additional pigments list.
· Dick Blick for tracing paper, brushes, compass, aqua boards
Naturalpigments.com , Earth Pigments- Dry, powdered Pigments: Basic colors: Black,White, Red Ochre, Yellow Ochre, Prussian Blue, Bristol Yellow. If you have a favorite color, feel free to add that to your pigments.
Hand Carved Boards by Miroslav ubmiroslav.iconboards@gmail.com
· Etsy
· Bob Higgins rahiggins55@gmail. HE SHIPS ONCE A MONTH, ORDER EARLY.
GOLD LEAF: · Gold Leaf can be purchased at LA Gold Leaf The Gold leaf water-based size can be purchased at naturalpigments.com (Dux water based size) . That is the form of gilding we will do for this class. You won’t need any special tools- just the gold leaf- MAKE SURE YOU ORDER PATENT GOLD LEAF and Aqua Size . In subsequent classes we can look at different gilding methods.
EASY GESSO: use to coat aqua board or water color paper before using egg tempera. Follow Directions on Package. Natural Pigments.com
· plastic round palettes (Dick Blick), at least 3 round watercolor brushes (000, 1, 3), small water containers, paper towels, q tips, pencil, erasers, sharpie, sketch book, tracing paper, ruler, notebook to keep notes and drawings.
· Techniques of Icon and Wall Painting, by Aidan Hart
· The Icon, Image of the Invisible, Egon Sendler
· Icon as Communion, George Kordis
· A History of Icon Painting, Moscow
· The Techniques of Icon Painting, by Guillem Ramos-Poqui
· Techniques of Traditional Icon Painting, Gilles Weissmann
· Egg Tempera Painting by Koo Schadler
· Eyes of Fire by Christine Hales
· Living Craft, A Painter’s Progress, by Tad Spurgeon
· Orthodox Iconography, by Constantine Cavarnos
· The Meaning of Icons, by Leonid Ouspensky
· Masterpieces of Early Christian Art and Icons, The Temple Gallery
I recently gave a talk on the Early Origins of Christian Art that you may find helpful. Here is the link: https://youtu.be/i_kKo9-Zbn0